Tag: Cleveland ATV trail complex

  • ALERT: Manti-La Sal National Forest Draft Forest Plan Revision

    SAWS Action Alert Comment Deadline: April 30, 2006 Send Comments to: ┬á┬á┬á Forest Plan Revision Team ┬á┬á┬á 599 West Price River Dr. ┬á┬á┬á Price, UT 84501 Phone: 435-636-3500 Fax: 435-637-4940 Email: comments-intermtn-manti-lasal@fs.fed.us Detailed information available here: http://www.fs.fed.us/r4/mantilasal/projects/projectsforestplan/forestplan_revision.shtml Previous SAWS Alert for the Manti-La Sal National Forest here: http://news.snowmobilealliance.org/2004/08/manti-lasal-forest-plan-revision/┬á The Manti-La Sal National Forest is nearing…