Tag: Storm Creek

  • ALERT: Clearwater National Forest Travel Planning – Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Phase

    SAWS Action Alert Comment Deadline: October 1st, 2009┬á Send Comments to: Kamiah Ranger Station Attn: Lois Foster, Travel Planning lOT Leader Rt. 2, Box 191 Kamiah, ID 83536 Or, Email: comments-northern-clearwater@fs.fed.us Be sure to add “Travel Planning” to the Subject line. Reference Maps (Pages A-11 and A-12 specifically): http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/clearwater/Projects/TravPlan/Assets/DEIS/Doc/11_DEIS_09jul_vol2_AppendixA_Maps.pdf   Clearwater DEIS Home Page: http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/clearwater/Projects/TravPlan/ClwTravel.htm…